Anarchism: Article: 2017: ETC Dee: Institutionalization as Path to Autonomy: An Anarchist Social Center in Brighton, Space and Culture
Anarchism: Book: 2016: Christopher Scott Thompson: Pagan Anarchism, Gods&Radicals [0]
Anarchism: Book: 2017: Freddie Perlman: Anything Can Happen, Black and Green Press
Anarcho-Primitivism: Journal: 2015- : Black and Green Review
Antifa: Pamphlet: 2017: Central Texas’ Least Wanted, “Oh Shit! What Now?” Collective
Beats: Book: 2017: Allen Ginsburg: The Best Minds of my Generation: A Literary History of the Beats, Grove
Canadian Uprisings: Book: 1927: Aileen Dunham: Political Unrest in Upper Canada 1815-1836, McClelland and Stewart
Counterculture: Book: 2017: Paul Hockenos: Berlin Calling: A Story of Anarchy, Music, the Wall, and the Birth of the New Berlin, The New Press
Egyptian Revolution: Article: 2011: Eike M Rinke & Maria Roder: Media Ecologies, Communication Culture, and Temporal-Spatial Unfolding: Three Components in a Communication Model of the Egyptian Regime Change, International Journal of Communication: 5
Egyptian Revolution: Article: 2011: Melissa Wall & Sahar El Zahed: “I’ll be Waiting For You Guys”: A YouTube Call to Action in the Egyptian Revolution, International Journal of Communication: 5
Frankfurt School: Book: 1977: Ernst Bloch, Georg Lukacs, Bertolt Brecht, Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno: Aesthetics and Politics, Verso
Frankfurt School: Book: 1991: Theodor Adorno: The Culture Industry, Routledge
Hip Hop: Academic Article: 2011: Jared A Ball: I Mix What I Like!: In Defense and Appreciation of the Rap Music Mixtape as “National” and “Dissident” Communication, International Journal of Communication: 5
Jack Kerouac: Book: 2008: Wake Up: A Life of the Buddha, Viking
Jean Baudrillard: Book: 1977: Jean Baudrillard: Forget Foucault, Semiotext(e)
Metis Nationalism: 2017: David Doyle: Louis Riel: Let Justice Be Done, Rondale Press
- Biography written as a fictional testimony given by Riel to an Inquest looking into his activities
Popular Uprisings: Article: 2015: Paolo Gerbaudo: Protest Avatars as Memetic Signifiers: Political Profile Pictures and the Construction of Collective Identity on Social Media in the 2011 Protest Wave, Information, Communication & Society: 18(8)
Popular Uprisings: Article: 2017: William Dezheng Feng: Ideological Dissonances among Chinese-Language Newspapers in Hong-Kong: A Corpus-Based Analysis of Reports on the Occupy Central Movement, Discourse & Communication
Quebec Nationalism: Article: 2017: Bruno Cornellier: The Struggle of Others: Pierre Vallieres, Quebecois Settler Nationalism, and the N-Word Today, Discourse: 39(1)
Slave Uprising: Film: 1982: Ridley Scott: Blade Runner, Fox
Squatting: Book: 1945: John Steinbeck: Cannery Row, Penguin
Ukranian Nationalism: Book: 1974: Valentyn Moroz: Report from the Beria Reserve, Peter Martin Associates Limited
- Translated Essays by a political prisoner of the Soviet Union
Utopia: Books: 2016: Slavoj Zizek (ed): An American Utopia: Dual Power and the Universal Army, Verso
Utopian Communities: 2003: Robert P Sutton: Communal Utopias and the American Experience: Religious Communities, 1732-2000, Praeger
Vermont Secessionism: Pamphlet: 2017: Rob Williams: Plan “V”: Designing a 2nd Vermont Republic (2VR), The Vermont Independence Press
Zines: Articles: 2017: Emily Hage: Bay Area Dadazines and Punk Zines in 1970s San Francisco: Interactive, Ephemeral, Live, American Periodicals: A Journal of History & Criticism: 27(2)
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