Anarchism: Journal Article: 2016: Dana Williams & Jeffrey Shantz: An Anarchist in the Acadamy, A Sociologist in the Movement: The Life, Activism, and Ideas of Howard J Ehrlich, Journal for the Study of Radicalism: 10(2)
Anarchism: Journal Article: 2016: Kenyon Zimmer: The Other Volunteers: American Anarchists and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, Journal for the Study of Radicalism: 10(2)
Anarchism: Newsletter 2017- : KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library,
Anarchism: Pamphlet: 2017: JUNE 11, 2017: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners
- Global survey of June 11, 2017 activities
- Includes statements from anarchist prisoners
Anarchism: Podcast Episode: 2017.02.27: Anarchist Extremists - A National Perspective, Intelligence. Unclassified.: State of New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness:
- Podcast that comes from the New Jersey office of Homeland Security
Antiwar Activism: Film: 1989: Oliver Stone: Born on the Fourth of July, Universal Pictures
Arab Spring: Journal Article: 2012: Miriyam Aouragh: Social Media, Mediation and the Arab Revolutions, tripleC: 10(2)
Avant-Garde Poetry: Blog: 2017.06.17: Troll Thread, Tumblr:
- Publisher of avant-garde poetry/text - each release is available in print, via Lulu (a self-publishing platform) and also in pdf.
- Releases seem to all play with the limits or the lack of limits of self-publishing, internet communications, and internet culture
Dada: Book: 2009: Ruth Hemus: Dada’s Women, Yale University Press
- A study of the art of five women of the Dada movement:
- Emmy Hennings
- Sophie Tauber
- Hanna Hoch
- Suzanne Duchamps
- Celine Arnauld
Folk Music: Book: 1953: John Greenway: American Folksongs of Protest, University of Pennsylvania Press
- Goes through American folksongs, topic by topic, and includes the full lyrics for the songs it discusses
- Is focused primarily on presenting the lyrics of protest folk music
- Musical notation is included with some songs
Suprematism: Book: 2003: Elizabeth Franzen, Stephen Hoban, Jennifer Knox White: Kazimir Malevich: Suprematist, Solomon R Guggenheim Foundation
- From
Indigenous Resistance: Journal Article: 2017: Scott Rutherford: "We Have Bigotry All Right - But No Alabamas": Racism and Aboriginal Protest in Canada During the 1960s, American Indian Quarterly: 41(2)
Surrealism: Book: 1988: Helena Lewis: Dada Turns Red: The Politics of Surrealism, Edinburgh University Press
- The history of the Surrealist relationship to Communist politics
- Limited discussion of Dada, which the author identifies as largely apolitically nihilist without discussing the political-left inclinations of some Dadaists, especially the Berlin group.
Surrealism: Journal article 2016: Ellen E Adams: At the Boundary of Action and Dream: Surrealism and the Battle for Post-Liberation France, French Cultural Studies: 27(4), DOI: 10.1177/0957155816663360
Prison Uprisings: Journal Article: 2017: Toussaint Losier: Against 'Law and Order' Lockup: The 1970 NYC Jail Rebellions, Race & Class: 59(1)
Punk: Book: 2011: Alice Bag: Violence Girl: East LA Rage to Hollywood Stage, A Chicana Punk Story, Feral House
- Read on hoopla
Punk: Book: 2015: Daniel Makagon: Underground: The Subterranean Culture of DIY Punk Shows, Microcosm Publishing
- About the practice of organizing and promoting DIY punk shows, in houses, basements, and other improvised venues
Radical Arts: Book: 2016: Yates McKee: Strike Art: Contemporary Art and the Post-Occupy Condition, Verso
- Explores the art of recent social movements, including Occupy, Black Lives Matter, Quebec Student Protests
- Also explores the art world as a target for social protest
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