
Monday, June 25, 2018

2003: Noah Levine: Dharma Punx: HarperCollins

2003: Noah Levine: Dharma Punx: HarperCollins [1]

  •  Memoir by Noah Levine, a lifelong street punk turned buddhist teacher.
  • spent most of his life in California with some time spent in Arizona after his parents split up.
  • Like so many disaffected youth emerging from broken homes, he found meaning and power in the punk scene.
  • Noah became an addict of hard drugs as an adolescent. His path to buddhism came out of his recovery and following the twelve steps but also out of his experiences in prison. His father is a well known Buddhist author named Stephen Levine who gave Noah advice on how to meditate when he was trying to cope with a possibly long prison stretch.
  • The book is primarily about drug and alcohol recovery however there is a constant undercurrent of finding the synthesis between punk attitude and the practices of first the twelve step program and then Buddhism.

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