
Saturday, June 30, 2012

occupy movement - periodical - 2011- - Occupy! Gazette

Occupy! Gazette

From the Occupy! Gazette page: "Occupy! is a semi-regular, forty-page broadsheet newspaper inspired by the Occupy movement.  Edited by n+1 with Sarah Leonard, Sarah Resnick, and Astra Taylor."

Occupy! Gazette is a dense, sporadically issued, newspaper (in pdf format) devoted to the Occupy Movement put out by n+1 magazine.  To date there have been four issues released, and the most recent was published on May 1st, May Day.  

The fourth issue includes a variety of contents, including a lengthy transcript of a panel discussion about debt featuring anarcho-anthropologist David Graeber (a frequent presence in Occupy content), discussions of recent Occupy activities, including the Occupy Homes movement that puts people into foreclosed homes, as well as criticism of the Movement Resource Group, a funding project started by left-leaning millionaires such as Ben and Jerry to direct money into the Occupy movement.  Numerous other aspects of the Occupy Movement are addressed in this text-heavy 32 page gazette, which also features poems, photos, and illustrations.

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