
Sunday, March 18, 2018

New Citations: Anarchism, Anti-Fascism, Bob Marley, Environmentalism, Indigenous Resistance, Irish Republic Army, Paris Commune, Popular Uprisings, Prisoner Uprisings, Punk, Radical Left Wing Movements, Radical Arts, Theodore Kaczynski, Timothy Leary, Underground

Anarchism: Book: 2014: The Invisible Committee: For Our Friends, Semiotext(e)

Anarchism: Pamphlet: 2017: Below & Beyond Trump: Power and Counter-Power in 2017, Black Rose
Anarchist Federation

Anti-Fascism: Pamphlet: 0000: Stop Fascism: New America
  • Published in the 1930s

Bob Marley: Books: 2017: Roger Steffens: So Much Things to Say: The Oral History of Bob Marley, WW
Norton & Co

Environmentalism: Newspaper: 2017: The Olympia Communard: Dispatches from the Olympia Blockade

Indigenous Resistance: Book: 2013: Louise Leclaire (ed): The Artwork of Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall, Blurb Inc

Indigenous Resistance: Pamphlet: 0000: Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall: Warrior’s Handbook

Irish Republican Army: Book: 1993: Brendan O’Brian: The Long War: The IRA and Sinn Fein 1985 to Today,
Syracuse University Press

Paris Commune: Pamphlet: 0000: Max Schachtman: 1871: The Paris Commune, Daily Worker Publishing Co

Popular Uprisings: Book: 0000: Alessio Lunghi & Seth Wheeler (eds): Occupy Everything: Reflections on
Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere, Minor Compositions
  • A collection of essays responding to Twenty Reasons Why its Kicking off Everywhere by Paul Mason

Prisoner Uprisings: Journal: 2017- : Paper Chained: A Journal of Writings and Artistic Expressions From
Behind the Bars, Running Wild

Punk: Film: 2001: Jack Lefelt: 25 Years of Punk, VH1

Punk: Film: 2005: Tim Armstrong: Give ‘Em the Boot, Hellcat Records

Radical Left Wing Movements: Books: 2002: Steve Wright: Storming Heaven: Class Composition and
Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism, Pluto Books

Radical Arts: Pamphlet: 1947: Diego Rivera, Pan American Union

Theodore Kaczynski: TV series: 2017: Manhunt: Unabomber, Netflix
  • Tedious FBI propaganda

Timothy Leary: Book: 1993: Timothy Leary & Robert Anton Wilson: The Game of Life, New Falcon

Weather Underground: Book: 2017: Jonathan Lerner: Swords in the Hands of Children: Reflections of an
American Revolutionary, OR Books